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"윤아 - Amazing Grace" ♪ 듣기,자동재생,반복재생 ♪ 더케이투(THE K2) OST

"윤아 - Amazing Grace" ♪ 듣기,자동재생,반복재생 ♪ 더케이투(THE K2) OST

윤아(YOONA) - Amazing Grace

Amazing grace how sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me

I once was lost but now I'm found

Was blind but now I see

'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear 

And grace my fear relieved 

How precious did that grace appear 

The hour I first believed

더케이투(THE K2) OST

김보형 - 오늘도

유성은 - 아주 가끔

윤아 - Amazing Grace

민경훈 - Love you

박광선 - 시간이 멈춘듯
